Welcome to TrainCan, Inc.!
Optimized training certification for individuals and businesses.
Sign Up
Sign up and purchase your online or in-person course with the click of a button.
Easy as 1-2-3!
2. Study
Use our online module system to study the course content or attend in-person training sessions.
3. Exam & Certification
Write your webcam or paper exam. Online results are provided within 24 hours. You are now certified!
Simple food handler certification.
Our BASICS.fst training course allows you to receive highly recognized certification as a food handler in Canada. This course is used by individuals, in addition to some of Canada’s largest food chains and educational institutions. Learn more about BASICS.fst today!
Flexible Studying
Complete our courses at your own pace. Many courses do not require a large time commitment. Boost your resume and/or become certified for minimal cost and time. Learn more about the variety of courses TrainCan, Inc. offers.
Protect Your Business
Use our highly recognized training certifications to increase the knowledge of management and workers in a business. Increase trust with your customers through certified employees.
Custom Portals
Management with ease. If you are part of an business/organization, we have custom options that will simplify the training process. Use the “Learn More” button below to explore the features we offer.
TrainCan Overview
Take a minute to watch our corporate video, which provides an overview of all our services.